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Check out the great work by some
Open Minds clients



Tree Pittsburgh is leading an effort with eight local partners to invest an $8M grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service in rebuilding the tree canopy in disadvantaged communities


Three Rivers Alliance of Community Health Centers

Three Rivers Alliance of Community Health Centers’ members are distributing nebulizers at no cost to patients who need them through Global Links’ Breathe Hope program.


Carlow University The Dr. Rae Ann Hirsh Apprenticeship Hub for Early Childhood Education

The Western Pennsylvania Early Childhood Apprenticeship Hub received a $12M endowment, the largest donation in Carlow’s history. The Hub provides tuition support and mentoring to help childcare workers and early childhood educators pursue certifications and earn degrees. This innovative program is advancing the early childhood workforce and the quality of education for young children.


Susie was a wonderful partner for our strategic planning effort. She has a collaborative style that helped to engage diverse members of our team and a structured approach that resulted in a detailed strategic plan that will help to guide our organization over the coming years
— Lee Haller, Chief Information and Performance Officer, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority